Chapter 12: Under Siege
Our hero faces his toughest test yet.
Proceeds from the sales of these beanies go to my favorite ALS advocacy group, I Am ALS.
I woke up this morning determined to have a good day. ALS, however, had other plans.
Life is never dull when you have this disease. Every day you’re introduced to a new challenge that you’ve never even considered before. And today’s surprise came with a lesson in humility that left a mark on both my ego and my head.
For 39 years I’ve put my socks on the same way. Standing.
The first foot went as expected. Like I said, I’ve been doing this for awhile.
On my second attempt, my clumsy fingers fumbled about until my leg buckled and I lost my balance. In a blur I was on the floor but not before my head slammed into the bedside table.
Dazed and confused I sat there stooped and ashamed.
Jamie found me damn near in tears, not because of the pain but because of what the fall meant. The disease was progressing. This is real. ALS is trying to take me out.
I cleared concussion protocol with my in-house medical professional and we both promptly agreed that I needed to use this recent transgression as fuel for the fight.
Despite its best attempts, I simply will NOT allow this beast to sap my spirits. I’m familiar with the strategy of attrition. But my enemy won’t be receiving any concessions from me. Not today. Not ever. To do so would be inviting certain death.
I literally got knocked down today by ALS. Then I got back up and made this video.