Chapter 1: The Fight Begins!

I’ve been unusually silent on social media for over a month now. And there’s a reason for that. I’ve had to step away from my fitness business (temporarily) to focus on my own health and my family. This has been an incredibly difficult time for us. I’ve been recently given the diagnosis of ALS.

Yesterday, my wife Jamie, put out an eloquent post describing the roller coaster of emotions we’ve been on, as well as the challenges we face going forward. I won’t try to do a better job than she did. She spoke the truth.

And that is exactly what I hope to accomplish with these writings. The truth about ALS. For over 150 years this disease has ravaged families and dreams, killing everyone afflicted. And it feels like no one knows anything, let alone cares. Let’s do something about that shall we?

Now, before we get started on that journey, a summary of Jamie’s press release: WE ARE welcoming a new baby girl into this world in April! #girldad . WE ARE incredibly blessed to be surrounded by overwhelming love and support from our friends and family. WE ARE thankful everyday because we still have time to spend together and with those that we love. WE ARE going to fight, with every fiber of our being, to be a part of the first generation to survive this disease.

I’m going to end with a sincere and deep thank you if you personally reached out to my family. I look forward to responding and speaking with you in due time. But I at least wanted to check in and let you know that I am in good spirits. I’ve never felt more gratitude in my entire life. In a way, it is a gift.

The picture is from the University of Kansas Clinical Research Center. I’m already enrolled in a drug trial there. We’re ready to fight. But before we go into battle, let’s take a step back to review just how in the hell we got here.

First dosing of Oxaloacetate at KUMED research facility.

First dosing of Oxaloacetate at KUMED research facility.